Pool Water Treatment / Pool Kits

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Opening Kit
Opening Kit

Item ID: 30-21462-98
Brand: IPG

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1. Remove pool cover and ice buffers (see note below).
2. Reinstall and/ or close all drain plugs ... Flush and drain all piping to waste.
3. Remove any surface stains and thoroughly clean away winter water line with AMAZE.
4. Reconnect chemical feeding equipment, if any.
5. Fill pool to normal operating level. While pool is filling add in STAIN PREVENT to prevent staining, scaling or water discoloration.
6. Backwash and thoroughly clean filter with FILTER CLEANER (following directions on bottle), then put filter into operation.
7. With pump and filter operating broadcast ZAP over surface of pool.
8. Wait 12 hours then add in END ALGAE 15 following directions on the bottle.    
9. The next day test chlorine level. If level is between 1-2 ppm begin regular chlorine program, if under 1 ppm, shock pool.        

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